eBook: Course Fit Manual
What is the course fit profiling manual?
The course fit manual contains 150 player and course profiles with numerical ratings derived from the official PGA and Euro Tour stats and key metrics for precision. Player ratings are in a top trumps style format and weigh the strength of each component of player's games. The data can be used to match up players and courses for a big edge in your golf betting. The course profiles contain shortlists of players with high suitability and or liking for that particular track. Scroll below for course and player profile examples.
- Original player profiles with game style summaries & course fit targeting
- Potential event winners flagged for all courses given very strong course fit (including winners Martin Laird 250/1 at Summerlin and Cameron champ 125/1 at the 3M)
- strength ratings of player attributes (derived from official stats) in a top trumps style format...
- data for numerical course fit model ratings
- course profiles with key features, premiums and weightings for the model
- a side of humour in "superpowers" form
Please note: The ebook comes in PDF file format to your email used to send payment (accepts Paypal or "pay by card" option at the bottom of paypal page), and delivery is automated. Click the link or "View order" then click the download button on redirect page and you'll have the eBook straight away to read on all your devices
"a course fit weapon vs the bookmakers"
There isn't a lot of golf betting content around that focuses on player profiles and styles of play or whether a player hits a draw or fade, high or low, was good in the wind etc. OR what the courses demand. My course fit profiling manual is an essential guide to the angle Nicspicks is adopting going forward. The eBook portrays player game styles & course set ups, and assigns numerical values to player attributes, providing course fit ratings. It is designed to arm you with a weekly early edge over bookmaker odds.
There isn't a lot of golf betting content around that focuses on player profiles and styles of play or whether a player hits a draw or fade, high or low, was good in the wind etc. OR what the courses demand. My course fit profiling manual is an essential guide to the angle Nicspicks is adopting going forward. The eBook portrays player game styles & course set ups, and assigns numerical values to player attributes, providing course fit ratings. It is designed to arm you with a weekly early edge over bookmaker odds.